Always use the car cover for the car:

If someone is tired of taking their car regularly to the car wash or washing the car by own. Then, the first thing they should do is to purchase a Car cover [ร่มคลุมรถ, which is the term in Thai] for their car. Because when someone parks their car in the garage or on the road. Then, if it is left for a week or so. Then, it is for sure that the car will get dirty because of dust and all. And, if the car is parked on the road or in some parking station where there are birds. Then, those birds use the car as their attached toilet. And, it is very painful to see the car covered in bird poop.

But if there is a car cover on the car. Then, the car will be saved from all kinds of things. The person just needs to take out the cover. And, the car will look like as it is left. Just wash the car cover and that’s it. By that, a person will also be able to save the money that is going to be spent on the car wash. That is why it is very important to have a car cover.

Car umbrella is a multipurpose tool

If someone thinks that the Car umbrella [ร่มรถ, which is the term in Thai] is only used to cover the car. Then, it is wrong it is a multipurpose tool. It can be used as a tent can also be used on the beach as a shed. So, if someone buys a car umbrella. Then, they are getting three things in one single product.

Different options are available

In the car umbrella, different types of options are available. Like, one can get a semi-automatic umbrella. And, there is also a fully automatic car umbrella. That just needs a button to open up. So, choose according to your comfort.