Every website needs an address and a host server to store and power its content. This server, along with several other services is provided by a web domain hosting company. While there are many types of hosting services available, choosing the right web host is important. The amount of space allocated to your website on a server will depend on the type of hosting selected by you. A web hosting company may offer shared, dedicated, and VPS hosting plans, with each including a different level of services and management of your website.
What Does a Web Host Do?
A web hosting company has the servers, connectivity, and associated resources to host websites. The company offers a variety of plans to cover the needs of small personal websites, e-commerce sites, and websites of large businesses. The prices of these plans vary according to the resources included and the services being offered.
How to Choose the Right Web Host?
Choosing the right web hosting service will ensure that your website has access to the right amount of resources to deal with visitor traffic. A good hosting plan will result in optimum functioning of your site in terms of fast loading, low downtime, and better user experience. Here are some important steps in the process of choosing the right web host for your website:
Identify Your Needs
The first step in the process of selecting a hosting provider in India is to identify your own needs. Decide what type of website you want and what your targeted audience is. An ecommerce site will need more resources and functions than a simple blog site.
Identifying your needs will help you choose between web hosts offering a variety of tools and infrastructure required to run specific websites. This will help you find a web host offering resources to match your requirements.
Domain and Web Building
Have you already bought a domain name for your website or are you still looking to buy it? Again, do you need help to build your website? Many hosting providers in India offer both domain and hosting services to their clients besides building their websites.
Several hosting plans come with features like pre-installation of WordPress and WooCommerce, the most widely used platforms for building websites.
Compare Different Hosting Plans
Now that you have identified your requirements for your website, you can do some research. This will help you identify which hosting plan is the most suitable for your website. If you are just starting out and looking for something affordable, go for a shared hosting plan. However, if you are starting an e-commerce website, you will need WooCommerce hosting with specific plugins and themes.
Again, if you are expecting heavy traffic and need to upload a lot of images and content, you will need dedicated servers to ensure the smooth functioning of your website.
Choosing the Web Hosting Company
Clarity about the type of web domain hosting plan required for your website should be followed by a comparison of different web host companies. The comparison should be based onthe plan price (initial as well as renewal), the features included, the scalability, the level of security, and the support being offered. The track record and the reputation of the web hosting company also play a key role.
Once you have selected the right web host, you can focus on other aspects of running your business.