Why Text Archiving Is Important Wealth Managers and Investment Advisors

LeapXpert understands the compliance and performance requirements of professionals in today’s highly competitive and disorganized wealth management and advice industry.

Thus, LeapXpert provides wealth management firms and investment advisers with the most innovative archived text messages to ensure text messaging compliance with evolving FINRA and SEC mobile archiving regulations. We also help them effectively manage professional engagements.

The wealth management industry has been focused on finding the right balance between client communication, efficient workplaces, and compliance with SMS archiving regulations. They know this problem and offer registered advisors a unique mobile archiving solution that captures and keeps mobile SMS with various customized solutions.

Broker dealers must use text messaging to stay competitive and engage customers. Prohibiting investment advisors from texting will not only reduce their productivity but also lower the operational efficiency of an organization and expose them to large-scale compliance risks.

LeapXpert’s text archive for Wealth Management Firms or Investment Advisors can be of assistance:

  •  Capture all work-related text messages, regardless of the device owner, carrier, and device platform.
  •  Keep all mobile content unstructured in one archiving database. This allows for quicker responses to regulatory requests and efficient internal audits.
  •  Keep records of communications captured for eDiscovery faster.
  •  Give an audit trail to regulators to demonstrate compliance with relevant record retention requirements.
  •  Allowing firms to store archived text messages in the preferred email archiving vendor will lower their database maintenance costs.
  •  Effectively monitor employee communication to identify non-compliance with industry standards and company policies. This includes inappropriate client conduct and illegal trade activities.
  •  Increase employees’ productivity and morale by allowing them to send SMS via mobile phone to their clients and colleagues. This is faster than emailing and less intrusive than making phone calls.

LeapXpert records and keeps mobile SMS and voice calls, MMS, emails, WhatsApp chats and voice calls.Visit their official website at https://www.leap.expert/platform/.